Sweetheart Ravioli

Sweetheart Ravioli

Valentine's Day may look a little bit different this year, so it's even more important to create an intimate experience for your the ones you love. This chef inspired plant-based recipe takes a bit of time, but boy, is it worth it! This recipe makes 4 portions, but I suggest doubling the recipe and freezing some of these adorable raviolis for later. Packed with nutrition, the pasta gets its colour from beets, and the stuffing is a savoury mix of Zengarry Garlic and Fine Herbs cashew cheese, mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and of course fresh herbs.


We suggest pairing your vegan ravioli with a Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio.


Sweetheart Ravioli Recipe

Serves 4 people




Beet paste

3 small beets

2 tsp water


Pasta Dough (omit if buying pre-made rolled out pasta)

2 cups all-purpose flour + more for kneading

½ cup water room temperature

3-4 tbsp beet paste (the more you add, the darker the colour)

1/2 tsp salt

1 tbsp oil



6 button mushrooms

1 small onion

5 large basil leaves

2 tbsp chives minced

7 rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes minced

1 garlic clove minced

1 tsp lemon juice

1 Package of Zengarry Fine Herbed Cheese

salt and pepper to taste


Sauce and Toppings

20 mushrooms

20 asparagus

3 tbsp vegan butter

2 tbsp olive oil

10 large basil leaves



Beet Puree

Peel and cut beets into quarters. Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Add in your beets and cook for 15 minutes or until tender when poked with a fork. Drain beets and place them into a blender with 2 tsp of water. Blend until smooth. Set aside.


Tip 1: Can be made the night before


Pasta Dough

To make pasta dough pour flour and salt into a large bowl. Mix and form a well in the center. In a separate bowl, whisk water and beet puree together. Pour beet water and olive oil into the center of the well.


Take a fork and mix the wet ingredients and pull in flour from the bowl's sides as you mix. Keep mixing until you need to use your hands. Knead your dough on a floured surface for 4 mins until you have a smooth dough. Form a ball and place dough in plastic wrap, and let rest for 30 minutes in the fridge while making the filling.


Tip 2: If your dough is too sticky, add more flour. If too dry, add a little water.


Tip 3: To save time, use pre-rolled ravioli pasta sheets from your local store.


Pasta Filling

To make the filling, dice mushrooms, basil, sun-dried tomatoes, chives, and onion.


Heat 1 tsp of oil in a pan and sauté your mushrooms, minced garlic, and onion for 3 mins, or until onions become translucent.


In a small bowl, add your Zengarry fine herb cheese, hot mushroom and onion mixture, sun-dried tomatoes, diced herbs, a small pinch of salt and pepper, and lemon juice. Mix well and set aside.


Tip 4 : This also can be made the night before and stored in the fridge overnight.


Heart-shaped Ravioli Pasta

To roll out pasta dough, split your dough into four balls. Use either a pasta maker or a rolling pin to roll out your dough.


Take one dough ball and split it into two. Roll your one dough out on a powdered surface into a long rectangle out until it is thin (not quite translucent). Repeat with the second part of the dough.


Place rolled out pasta on a floured surface. Space out your filling by using your 2 1/2 inch heart-shaped cutter as a guide. Lightly imprint the dough with your cookie cutter. Place ½ tsp of filling in the center of each heart.

  1. Take your finger and wet it in a small bowl. Trace the imprint on the heart to wet the edges of your heart shape. Place the top piece of rolled dough on top—work by pressing around the filling, moving your way out to push out any air bubbles.

  2. Once the top pasta layer is sealed, press a cookie cutter through the dough with the filling in the center.

  3. Place finished pasta hearts on a lightly floured cookie sheet. Use leftover pasta dough for the next ball.

  4. Repeat steps for the next three balls. Makes about 60 ravioli.

Cooking your pasta

Once all pasta is made, bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil with 1 tsp of salt.


Chop your asparagus, mushroom and basil leaves. Melt vegan butter and olive oil in a large pan on medium heat. Saute asparagus, mushrooms and basil for 4 minutes.


Cook pasta for 2 minutes, until pasta floats.

Drain and toss pasta with asparagus, mushrooms and butter sauce. Pour into a large pasta bowl and sprinkle with more fresh chopped basil.


Optional: Top with a fried basil leaf if wanting for garnish and more crumbled Zengarry cheese.

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